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Laredo, TX
The City of Laredo functions as the seat of Webb County and is situated on the north bank of the Rio Grande in South Texas. Recognized as the 10th-most populous city in the state, Laredo continues to grow by leaps and bounds on an annual basis. Not only has the local population swelled to include more than 263,000 residents, but all sorts of businesses flock to Laredo each year. Currently, the city acts as home to a wide assortment of commercial and industrial warehousing, import, and export operations.
The Law Office of Carl M. Barto recognizes the versatile nature of the Laredo, TX community. Keeping this in mind, our qualified staff members are constantly expanding our scope of representation to suit the evolving needs of our local clients. It doesn't matter whether you're in need of individual counsel or you operate a regional business; our Chapter 7, Chapter 11, and Chapter 13 attorney has got you covered every step of the way.
Whether you need assistance with debt consolidation, navigating the foreclosure process, applying for a credit card debt relief program, or filing for business bankruptcy, don't waste another moment. Simply contact one of our knowledgeable staff members to access versatile and effective representation in the Laredo, TX community. The Law Office of Carl M. Barto is proud to provide counsel throughout this growing and vibrant community!
By Appointment Only